Monday, January 8, 2007

We Begin Again

I was saying to Craig last night that getting my period this time has been the easiest of all so far. I think it's because I've been keeping track of my temperature and it never showed nice high pregnancy temperatures. Plus we didn't connect enough around my ovulation day. So, on to next month we go and I'm okay with that. Hey, it means I'll get to buy more maternity clothes because I'll be pregnant in a new season!

Shaun's leaving Thursday after lunch to spend a few days with my parents. We'll go there for dinner on Sunday to pick him up. I'm going to miss him so bad but it'll be good for all of us. I have a big list of things to pack for him but I'm sure he's going to really love the visit with them. He'll even get to go to church with them on Thursday and Sunday. That'll be fun.

Tomorrow night Shaun's swimming lessons start. He's in the duck class from 7-7:30. I'm pretty excited for it. Craig took Shaun out in the parking lot yesterday to play hockey. He made Shaun his own little hockey stick and everything! Shaun's figuring out how to use it slowly. I've really been struggling with Shaun's behaviour lately. He's been pretty whiney and clingy. Craig and I talked and realized I need to be firmer with Shaun. It seems to be working so far. Shaun's behavious has improved slightly and hopefully it'll only continue to get better.

I was at the neighbours' briefly yesterday and they aren't using their gates anymore! Their son Bailey is a month younger that Shaun and is going up and down the stairs on his own. We're going to start the same for Shaun. That's scary... stairs on his own at 16 months!!