Wednesday, January 23, 2008

12 Weeks

I'm definitely feeling the baby move. I'd say once a day there's a time when I'm sitting or laying quietly and I'll feel the tap, tap, tap. It's so reassuring to feel that, and now I'm positive it was the baby I was talking about in that last entry. I can't believe I felt movement at 9 weeks!! That's crazy!!

Shaun was really sick last week with a bad cough and high fever (104 F for a couple of days) but he's completely better now. Thank goodness because we were starting to get really worried; he'd been sick since Christmas. Craig was lucky enough to avoid getting sick at all but now that we're all healthy again so my days have been much happier. And I'm nearly in the second trimester too so I'm feeling great! Still tired at the end of the day but that's to be expected! Only 6 1/2 months to go before we're a family of 4... well, 6 with the girlies.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Baby's Real


We had the ultrasound this morning. As soon as the technician put the wand on my belly I asked if there was a baby in there. She answered with such affirmation "there sure is" that I had a second where I was terrified of twins! But, there's only one baby. The placenta will be anterior so I probably won't be able to feel as much as I did with Shaun but there's a baby in my belly! And it's alive!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let There Be Life

So, maybe I'm crazy but I think I've felt the baby move... twice! The first night I felt it was Friday. It actually woke me up. Just one little tap on the left side, pretty much behind my pelvis. I didn't tell Craig until yesterday because I honestly couldn't believe it myself. Then last night, again we were laying in bed, and I felt it. Nearly the same place and exactly the same tap. I'm pretty much convinced. What will do it for me will be seeing the baby tomorrow at the ultrasound. I'm going to make sure to ask where the placenta is and how high my uterus is sitting. I need to get serious about belly photos because I'm just popping out! I'm in maternity clothes. I haven't even worn my pre-PG clothes in over a week. I don't even think I'd be able to get them done up anymore! So ultrasound is tomorrow morning at 10:30.

I totally need to update at bit on Shaun. Lately he's been saying some cute things. A couple weeks ago we were on our way to breakfast and he blurted out that "bacon is bacon-y". Craig and I just laughed so hard and told Wayne and Leah too. Ever since then, whenever Shaun's feeling a little goofy he'll say it again. He's also been saying "actually" a lot. We'll say something to him and he'll answer "actually, it's a monkey", or whatever. I'm not entirely sure where it came from but he enunciates the word so clearly. It's actually (squee!!!) a bit of a surprise to hear. Also, when asked to describe Kitty and Pokey, he says that Boo-Boo is the fat one. (That's what we call Pokey... long story). Hmmm, I think he got that one from me. *blush*

Mum's coming tomorrow after the ultrasound to pick up Shaun. He'll come home on Thursday some time. My goal is to do the basement floor, finish taping and painting the storage closet and (I know, ambitious), maybe paint the living room/kitchen baseboards. Just gettin' ready to sell!