Friday, February 27, 2009
Do any of you have security systems in your house? We have one but the former owners told us it was deactivated and they knew nothing about it. No owners manual or anything. Well, it's been acting up lately. And not just any acting up - more like beeping when I walk into the kitchen and having a complete spaz attack when I open the system control panel. I finally got around to calling the company.
"Hi. We just moved into a new house that has a security system from your company but we weren't given any information on it so I'd like some help. Especially since it seems to be acting up lately and we have no idea how to turn it off."
"Okay. What's your address?"
"458 ________ Drive."
"NO. WAY. I've been trying to get a hold of the owners of that house for ages. Your house is on my short list to get back up and running so we'd be very interested in working out a deal with you."
"Really? What's going on?"
Long story short: two owners before us installed a VERY sophisticated security system (motion detectors, window and door sensors, floor sensors, the works) and signed a 5 year contract for monitoring. They paid one year and then the company never heard from them again. So now the company says we don't own the system and they want it back. We're just waiting for a call from the owner of the company so we can work all this out. Our issue is that we have no interest in paying for monitoring (afterall, we moved to this neighbourhood because it's quiet and peaceful, not so that we could activate some high-tech device in our house) and if they take it, we'll be left with holes in our walls. No freaking way is that happening! Does anyone know real estate law well enough to be able to advise us?
Next on the agenda: the raccoon living under the addition. Yes. Or we thought it was a raccoon. The home inspector noted a spot under the addition that appeared to be dug out and said there was probably a creature living under there. Once we moved in, Craig placed wood in front of the hole and filled it in with stones and such. Every morning he'd go back and check and the wood was moved and the burrow redug. Finally last week, he peed on the spot. You know, animal to animal, he was marking his territory. Then he filled the hole back in and covered it with wood again. There was no movement for about 3 days. Then yesterday morning I woke up around 6 to a bad smell. A skunk had sprayed outside somewhere. Pewww-eee. I tried to go back to sleep but the smell just kept getting worse. It woke Craig up and both the boys. Shaun was hiding his face in his jammies. The smell was nauseating and we just couldn't get away from it.
Then we looked outside. Mr. Raccoon is actually Mr. Skunk. Mr. Skunk's dainty little footprints were all over the backyard, looping around the house and entering and exiting the little burrow at least a couple of times. And he sprayed our house - oh boy, did he spray. We carried the smell in our coats, Shaun brought it to school and it permeated our van. At the grocery store, Craig and I had to find an empty aisle to remove our coats and air out our clothes. I'm positive people around us thought we were rubby-dubs because we smelled so terrible.
The air outside was sweet and fresh when we arrive back home. We had opened the windows before we left and turned off the furnace (no sense in heating the outside, right?) so it would have aired out by now, right? It had been nearly 4 hours. No such luck. The smell inside the house hadn't disspated at all. In fact, it was almost worse than when we had left because we had been away from it for so long. Thankfully it seems to be a bit better this morning - ie. I'm not gagging while I sit here typing this - but I haven't been outside yet. I may just be used to it which is almost worse.
The strategy now: call the City and see if they have some sort of free service to remove animals from private property. I don't want to hurt him (if it is indeed a He) but I certainly don't want him living here. And I don't want to risk it being a She and for her to have babies under there. Ideally he'll leave in the spring because we make too much noise and there would be other options at that time but I'm not sure I want to wait that long. He may spray again in the meantime! Welcome Home Martin Family!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
5 Under 5
Proof for Aaron and Melissa that their boys were happy the whole time they were here. Surprisingly, there have been no tears and only a couple of outbursts that required more than a stern reminder of the rules.
Bailey is 3 1/2 and goes to preschool with Shaun. They've been best buddies since before they were born because our families were neighbours and Melissa and I were pregnant at the same time.
I couldn't post photos of the children we're watching for the weekend and not add ones of my boys! I can't remember what I said that got Shaun laughing so hard but I sure got a great photo from it! Probably something about tooting or smelly socks since those are the funniest things in his life these days.
Ian's persistent mohawk is still around. No matter what I do: comb it, gel it, use baby lotion on it after a bath, flatten it with saliva - seriously!, it still pops right back up. I've decided to embrace it and am considering dying it green.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
In Pursuit of Happiness
I think one of the most basic needs of everyone on Earth, after food and shelter, is to be happy. My dad said something quite profound in one of his emails from India. He was talking about how poor so many people in India are but who is to say that they aren't happy? He was astounded by how kind and polite everyone is there, no matter what their socioeconomic status happens to be.
I often look down on people because they happen to have different goals than I have. Like their priorities are a fancy car or nice clothing or lots of kids' toys or the latest-and-greatest electronic instead of a vehicle they can afford or simple clothes and toys or a plain old TV that works just fine. But who am I to judge whether these things bring them happiness or not? They wouldn't bring me happiness but I'm not the one going and getting the fancy car now am I? I know what brings me happiness and it has nothing to do with the things I have; nothing to do with where I live or how I was raised.
Happiness comes to me through my husband and my children. Every day I am blessed by being able to wake up to the sound of little feet running into my room and the question, "Is it morning time yet Mummy?". I get to peer over the side of the crib to a sweet baby face smiling innocently back at me, just because he's happy to see me. Every day at 1:00 I can nuzzle my husband goodbye as he walks out the front door to head off to work. We are lucky to have one another.
We are so lucky to be so happy.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Li' C
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Six Months Gone, just like that
Boogeyman, 3 1/2 years old
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Juicy Carrots
My parents have a friend who ate too many carrots one day and her fair skin had an orange hue the next day. That's a LOT of carrots!
Friday, February 13, 2009
On another note, good old Aunt Flo arrived today for a, hopefully, short visit. It's been six months since I saw her last and honestly she hasn't been missed. Too bad she's sleeping in our room.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I love playing with my boys and this afternoon Shaun's neck was ripe for nibbling. "Nibble" is a verb, a noun and an adjective in this house. We 'nibble one another', we say 'the nibble's gonna get you' and when something tastes extra good, it's 'nibble-icious'. Ian is slowly getting the hang of the whole nibble thing we have going on here because he was screaming like a pro this afternoon when I finally got to his chubby neck fat. I love how Shaun loves and hates it all at the same time. He screams and tries to get away and carries on and on saying that you're hurting him and to get away, but as soon as you stop he comes bounding back with the energy only a 3 year old can have trying to get to your neck. It's wonderful!
I didn't want the day to end. But once bath time was done and I had quietly read a story to Shaun and nursed Ian one last time, somehow the dimmed lights in the kitchen helped me feel relieved they were upstairs snuggled in their beds. I really do have a wonderful life, complete with Nibbles.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Living the Life
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Moving On
1 Day.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Countdown Means Time to Panic
Even though the move was fairly soon in comparison to how long some people wait to close a new home, it still sort of snuck up on me. Today's Monday, so there's tomorrow and the next day to get everything ready. That's not much time. And it's not even the packing that's left to do; that's nearly done. I'm worrying about making sure boxes are piled neatly for the movers so they can load them quickly and taping all the screws, etc. to the dismantled furniture so we can put it back together with ease. Nevermind all the clean laundry that I'm going to have to deal with in the meantime. I think we'll end up moving some laundry in laundry baskets and washing it at the new place.
And darn, I need more boxes. My guess: there's 60 in the garage at the new place. There's another 20 already packed and waiting in the kitchen and stacked in the hallway upstairs. I think I need 10 or so more. Ninety boxes!!!
3 sleeps.