Monday, March 30, 2009


I finally feel like I'm caught up. Caught up on cleaning, groceries, meal planning, emails, phone messages, filing, and then I walked in the laundry room this morning. Honestly, I don't know where all this laundry comes from because I seriously just washed all this stuff only a few days ago. I swear! It seems as soon as everything gets washed and put away I'm hunting down laundry baskets to fill and lug back into the laundry room. So much for being caught up.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


We had an AMAZING time at Reptilia yesterday. It was much bigger than I expected and there was much more to do there than the website had indicated. Shaun had a terrific time and was so excited to leave Aaron and Melissa's house. Bailey rode with us and both boys sang and played goofy games the whole 1 1/2 hour drive.

We watched a lizard show and had the chance to touch a few different lizards but Shaun was too scared to even look at them as they came down the aisle and instead cowered in my sleeve. But he enthusiastically watched a king cobra and then a python eat a rat and stood for 10 minutes watching juvenile American aligators get fed. He thought it was pretty neat that they eat rats. Dead - of course - but freaky nonetheless. And... then the battery on the camera died. Damn, I was so upset. There were so many terrific photo opps. (is that how you'd spell it?) and I missed out on them. Hopefully Melissa will send some along.

One of the female pythons had laid some eggs just yesterday morning but the keepers hadn't been in to her pen yet to count exactly how many. They did tell us that the last time she laid eggs there were 77. Yep. My jaw dropped too. I asked what they do with all the eggs and the keeper told me that they hatch the eggs and raise up the young in the nursery and wait for other zoos or pet stores to buy the babies. And if they don't get purchased, they get fed to the king cobras. Apparently the king cobra is too smart to eat dead-pre-frozen-then-thawed rats so they have to feed it live snakes to keep it alive. Lovely, at least they do this after-hours. Although I'm sure it would be quite the show! They should charge extra admission just for those occasions.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A New Chapter

Ian is spending the night at my parents' tonight. It will be the first time I've been without him for more than a couple of hours. I miss him already and he hasn't even left yet. I'll head to Delaware (Ontario, that is) with the boys after lunch today for a short visit. We'll stay for dinner and I'll nurse Ian before he heads to bed. Then Shaun and I will head back home and Ian will sleep overnight. Tomorrow we're going with Aaron and Melissa et al. to Reptilia. Craig and I figured it just makes more sense to bring only Shaun, since feeding Ian these days takes up a lot of time. I'd have to hunt down a microwave for his food and then somewhere to change him; it'll just be easier all around if he's with someone else. Plus my parents have been desperate to babysit since he was born. They'll head back here to Kitchener tomorrow after dinner, we'll have coffee and dessert together and I'll nurse Ian before he heads to bed for the night.

Wish me luck: first that Ian takes a bottle for my parents, and second that the breast pump works for me. With Ian still taking 5 feedings a day, I'll be literally BURSTING by the time he returns tomorrow night if I'm not able to pump anything off! Should be a great day as long as my boobs don't burst.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We were very fortunate while living in the townhouse to have terrific neighbours. Everyone was friends with everyone else, we all knew the names of one another's animals, we'd invite the whole building over for a BBQ in the summer months, we'd watch each other's houses and feed the plants while away on vacation; it really was a great place to live. I've been worried that we won't be able to build that sort of relationship with our new neighbours now that we've moved just for the simple fact that we don't share any walls. It's completely different when you live so close to your neighbour that you can hear them speaking in their kitchen. You're basically forced to get to know them!

But I was outside with the boys this afternoon and one of our neighbours was outside as well, working on his lawn. We said a brief 'hello' and he gradually worked his way over to the property line. We ended up speaking for nearly an hour while Shaun and Ian played quietly on the porch. I think this is the beginning of another great neighbour-to-neighbour relationship. Good thing because I'm famous for running out of eggs at the worst time. It'll be nice to be close to the neighbours so I can send Shaun for an egg (or two) every now and then.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good-Bye Box House

Remember the box house I built for Shaun last week? We had Shaun's friend over for lunch and an afternoon of play and the boys ate lunch in Shaun's house. Then they played the rest of the afternoon in the house too! They killed Monsters living in the house, went to work and came home to sleep in their house, made coffee in there, and did puzzles and read books. They played so nice it made me want to have Bailey here all the time! And to have a cardboard box house in my family room all the time. Sadly though, the box house must go. It takes up a ginormous chunk of space in there and Shaun hasn't played in there in a few days (except for when Bailey was here) so I think it's time to recycle it. It will be findly remembered through pictures. Many, many pictures.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cheat Sheet for the Kid Exam

I've done this whole kid thing before so every day shouldn't feel like I'm a first time mum should it? I find myself stumped over the simplist things like foods Ian should be eating at this age, what he should be doing developmentally and how long he should be napping. I know I survived the first time and I actually wrote everything down, thankfully, because I think I'd be lost without those notes.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Through A Child's Eyes

A sampling of some of the photos Shaun took today.


Lacia posted a pic of her everyday purse this morning and I thought I oughta follow suit.

Here are the rules:

1. Post a picture of the bag/purse/handbag/pocketbook {whatever you call it!} that you are carrying! Now, don't you even think about going back there to your closet and getting that cute little clutch that you carried before you had children or the last time you went out ;-) I want to see the purse that you carried today!

2. Tell us how much it cost! Oh my, I know what you are thinking - a Southern Belle neva discusses matters of money, darlin'. Well, yes, but today we are gonna break that rule and tell! Yes, tell how much it cost. We won't judge! This is for entertainment purposes only! And if there is a story that goes along with this purse, tell it!!

3. Tag some other girls. It will be fun to see what everybody else posts.

I bought this purse at Bentley for a whopping $15, oh, about 3 years ago or something. Up until then I was using the diaper bag as my purse and when Shaun grew old enough that I didn't need to drag the diaper bag with me anymore, I felt the need for a purse, especially when summer came and I was no longer wearing a coat to stuff my wallet into. It's small because I've learned that I tend to use the space if I have it. A small purse forces me to empty it out frequently. Right now I'm carrying my wallet, the cell phone (which we never use, isn't charged, and has no time on it since it's Pay As You Go), a few receipts, my Weight Watchers info., chapstick, a pen, a fruitbar snack for Shaun and a few scraps of paper. That's it and it's a good thing too because that's about all that will fit.
I won't tag anyone but feel free to post a pic of your own purse on your blog! Sorry to the men who follow this blog. I suppose you could post a pic of your golf bag!


Shaun and Craig spent about an hour outside on Saturday playing hockey. Shaun's been practicing in the basement since about October so he was beyond thrilled to get outside today to play. It's funny that hockey is a winter sport but he absolutely refused to play outside in the snow. It's cold and makes his mittens wet, thus, it's not for him.

I got a new camera today and had to go outside with them and try it out. So far I really like it. It's not the DSLR I was desperate to have but my limited budget would never have allowed a camera like that. Besides, the pictures I take aren't really worthy of a DSLR. Notice poor Ian in the background? It was too cold for him to be out for long but I bundled him up in a blanket for the short time he joined us. At least he was warm!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

#3 Shaun Avenue

Remember as a kid when your parents would purchase something big, you'd always find a way to use the box? Usually the box was too small for me but I'd always use it for my dollies or something.
Shaun's House
#3 Shaun Avenue

I kept the box from the patio furniture and the BBQ so Shaun and I connected them and made a Box House. It has 2 rooms! Shaun just kept saying that it's the 'best house ever'. He played in it all afternoon yesterday and ate his breakfast in it this morning. I should have used more foresight and built it in the basement because it's going to be a permanent fixture in the family room for a while, I just know it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Looks are Deceiving

Didn't the weather today just fool the heck out of you? The sky was gloriously blue, not a cloud in sight for as far as my eye could see. The sun was streaming in the front windows and I actually felt too warm sitting on the couch reading in it's rays. So I bundled up the boys and we walked to the park. Obviously I didn't bundle myself up enough though because we ended up having to come home for me! I needed to put something on that was warmer. Next spring I'll remember that looks are deceiving and to wear a hat and mitts when heading outside before April. The boys were warm though, so I guess that's all that really matters.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Sting of IF

Somewhere around the time I lost my first baby I discovered an incredible network of bloggers who had experienced miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss. Many of these women, together with their husbands, had battled infertility for years only to be left with an empty nursery and an urn filled with ashes at the end of the whole process. Every day I religiously follow their blogs, reading about their struggle to move on past the death of their child and how their relationships with their husbands have changed so dramatically. I sit here at the computer and cry for the future they lost; for my world that changed so much in just a moment back in that November. I still think about those babies that I never had the opportunity to grow and meet.

But I was able to get pregnant and move on with 2 children of my own. Many of these women will never be able to experience a pregnancy or the feeling of their baby nuzzled up against their chest. I never realized the sting of infertility until I experienced my own. I'm a better person for it but I still cry for those who will never have what I do.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Love From a Child's Eyes

"Love means you care and that my heart is in your heart."

Growing Too Fast

I simply can't believe how much Ian is changing and learning every day. Today he was able to pick up food with his pincer grasp for the very first time and actually get it in his mouth. Up until now he's used his fist and then sucked whatever was in it out. He's still no where near crawling or even going on his hands and knees. In fact, he STILL doesn't roll over. He's so strong and I'm positive he's physically able to roll because he twists and turns everywhichway when laying on his back, I guess he just doesn't have the desire or need to roll.
He ate carrots and chicken for dinner tonight and fed it all to himself. I beamed proudly as I placed piece after piece on his highchair tray, certain that he was eating everything he grabbed. When I took the tray off at the end of the meal there was hoards of carrot and chicken bits between his chubby legs and the sides of the highchair. Then I lifted him up and pieces tumbled out of the folds in his clothes. So maybe he still needs a little practice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Fever

Shaun's been itching to get outside in all this incredible weather we're getting so Craig hooked up the training wheels to Shaun's two-wheeler, he took a couple of spins inside the house to get used to the way the pedals work and then they headed outside. It's like Shaun was born to ride a bike because he caught on in no time at all! I can't wait for family bike rides this spring!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Licorice Store

Yesterday I had to run out to the Liquor Store before my parents arrived to pick up some stuff for dinner. Shaun, surprisingly, wanted to tag along. He was really excited and we had a great time cruising down the road listening to Lime in the Coconut on the car radio.

When we finally arrived, I unbuckled him from his seat and he ran excitedly into the store. I followed and started scanning the shelves to find what I needed while Shaun looked around as well. After about 2 minutes he came up to me with a puzzled look on his face and asked where all the licorice was. I said that the Liquor Store doesn't have licorice and then I realized he thought I said Licorice Store. He was so disappointed that they only had booze there. No wonder he was so willing to come along - he thought he was getting licorice!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pen V

I'm on the mend. I've been out of commission since Sunday night. It started with a sore throat and aches and pains, courtesy of Shaun's flu that he so generously passed on to me, and quickly became unbearable strep throat once Monday morning rolled around. The pain worsened and I couldn't eat or drink anything. I couldn't swallow or talk. Even opening my mouth created saliva which I would then have to swallow so I was a mute for 3 days. My lips chapped and I was falling asleep playing on the floor with Shaun. I felt like the walking dead from the lack of food energy and dehydration. I tried to tough it out as long as I could but Tuesday night I woke up a couple of times to strange dreams where people were trying to pur water down my throat so when I finally got a hold of the doctor on Wendesday they arranged for me to come in at 7PM that night. Three whole days with 30oz of water (seriously, I kept track) 2 pee stops at the toilet, not a lick of food, and no words. I was a hurting unit.

And the doctor validated everything. He said my uvula was the most hemmoragic he's seen in a long time. Translation: that little hangy thing that divides my tonsils was so swollen it was touching the back of my tongue (can you say gag-a-rama?) and had turned purple. My tonsils had little white spots all over them too. Why oh why did I ever think I could beat this on my own?

So good ol' Doctor Mather prescribed Penicillin V along with a big glass of water that I was to set an alarm for and drink in the middle of the night. Apparently it's the drug of choice in these circumstances and I was close to dehydration so he wanted to make sure I had something to drink through the night. I tried my best to get the yummy banana medicine I had as a kid but he advised that the tablets are a better option for an adult. Darnit! I'd probably need half a dozen bottles of the drinky stuff to get these nasty sickies out of me! As it is, I have fourty pills. Well, as of 10:26 tonight I officially have 35 pills remaining. Thank goodness they work so quickly. I don't think I could have gone another hour without something to drink.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Shaun seems to be on the mend. He's back to eating, though just barely, and his mood has improved. He isn't falling asleep on the couch anymore at least. And he was actually up to playing a little this morning. Hopefully this means that nasty flu is gone. I want my little boy back.

I feel like a kid again with a new toy, but this time it's furniture. I love the new couch. My goodness it's beautiful. And cozy. I just want to curl up and fall asleep whenever I sit on it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We got a call yesterday from Allan Klein of Randall Klein Design that our loveseat is ready. Six weeks of waiting. I'm going to London in about an hour to pick it up. Send good thoughts that it fits in our van!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Mother's Worst Fear

Shaun's had a mysterious headache since Sunday night and the only way we've been able to control it is by giving him Children's Motrin every 8 hours or so. And it wears off like clockwork and then Shaun is crying again saying his head hurts. I called Telehealth on Tuesday night because I didn't want to continue masking his symptoms with medication (I hate using anything like that unless it's absolutely necessary) and the nurse advised me to see a doctor within 24 hours. Well, yesterday I just didn't think Shaun needed to see a doctor until the day wore on and he seemed to be worse than the previous days. His head seemed to ache worse and I realized he hadn't eaten since Monday at breakfast. Yes, 2 1/2 days without so much as a bite or 2 of a bagel and some apple juice. No wonder he is so boney.

So today at dinner something happened that convinced me he had to see a doctor. He had been asking all afternoon for a snack but I held off, knowing I wanted him to eat 'real food' for dinner. I was making corn, his favourite. When I called him to the table for dinner, he came slowly, ate one spoonful, and said he wasn't hungry and that his head hurt too much. Then he asked to go to bed! He'd only been awake from his nap for 2 hours. That was it. I called Craig at work and told him I was taking Shaun to the on-call doctor. Craig FLEW home (he even admitted to me that he blew through a couple very yellow lights) and together we went to the doctor. All the way there I was picturing what the doctor was going to say:

"Wow, this is quite the mystery. All I can suggest is that we put Shaun on a list for a CAT scan."

"It's very odd for a child his age to have a headache for this long. Let me refer you to a specialist."

"Head on down to the hospital. I will call them and let them know you're coming."

I kept visualizing how I would react when I heard he had a tumor of some kind, or that he's been having seizures. The thought of Shaun (or Ian for that matter) having some sort of illness that I can't do anything about terrifies me.

So we got in to see the doctor. He looked at Shaun's throat and asked Shaun a few questions. He sort of rolled his eyes and made sure to tell us this is the second night this week he's been on call, then went on to say that Shaun just has the flu. There's nothing we can do about it and, in fact, that's all he's been dealing with all day. I asked about Shaun's lack of a cough and the persistence of his headache. They were all explained away by Dr. T. Way to make me feel like a fool! I'm so glad he's not our regular doctor.

But I'm super relieved that it's 'just' the flu. Hopefully Shaun will be back to eating more than a few bites at a time by the weekend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sensory Bin

I remember seeing a sensory bin made out of PVC pipes on some website somewhere about 7 years ago. It included all the instructions and I copied them. I carried that silly sheet with me through 2 moves. Somehow I lost it in this most recent move. Well, I was able to find something similar online last night. And I built it this afternoon! Three hours of work while the boys were napping. I feel so productive! The blog I linked to was missing many of the directions at first and a lot of the material list, but I made it work. She has since updated the original post. Thanks SuperFunMama!

Mine is slightly different from the one I linked to. And I forgot to buy 2 locking castors so I just didn't glue the endcaps on the feet to allow me to be able to remove the castors when the boys are using the bin.

I'm heading out tomorrow morning to buy a whole bunch of stuff to put in it! Cedar shavings, sand, Easter grass, rubbing alcohol to colour rice and pasta; oh my goodness I'm so excited!!


Hi, it's Vince with Shamwow! You'll be saying wow every time you use this towel! It's like a chamois! It's like a towel! It's like a sponge. A regular towel doesn't work wet - this works wet or dry. This is for the house, the car, the boat, the RV! Shamwow holds twenty times its weight in liquid. Look at this! It just does the work! Why do you want to work twice as hard? It doesn't drip, doesn't make a mess. You wring it out, wash it in the washing machine. It is made in Germany, you know the Germans always make good stuff. You can cut it in half, use one as a bath mat, drain your dishes with the other one, use one as a towel. Olympic divers, they use it as a towel. Look at that! Completely dry! Put a wet sweater, roll it up, it dries your sweaters. Here's some cola, wine, coffee and pet stains. Not only is the damage gonna be on top - there's your mildew. That is going to smell! See that? The most absorbing We're gonna do this in real time! Look at this! Put it on the spill, turn it over! Without even putting any pressure, fifty percent of the cola right there. You follow me, camera guy? The other fifty percent, the color starts to come up. No other towel's gonna do that! It acts like a vacuum! And look at this - virtually dry on the bottom! See what I'm telling ya? Shamwow! You'll be saying wow every time!

Hopefully I'm not the only one who is familiar with the ShamWow Commercial. Shaun loves it, for some insane reason, and has taken it upon himself to memorize the whole thing. I had to include the actual dialogue to the commercial so that you can have a bit of a clue of what he's saying. He speaks so quickly and unclear that there's places where even I don't have any idea what he's yammering about.