Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Alexander and the...
Poor guy.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mum's the Word
I don't feel like I have anything really thought provoking to contribute to the blogosphere and I'm not entirely convinced that people really want to hear about my day to day ramblings. I certainly don't, because I live it. I don't want to feel like I have to write about it; as if I have to find a concrete way to remember. Some things I'd rather forget, in fact.
Okay, now that that's out of the way. We've had to go back to basics with Shaun. Like when he was still 2 years old basics. His attitude and saucy mouth have run their last marathon. I'm on a rampage to quarantine the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde that is my son.
Today he flipped out that I didn't give him the cup he wanted when I gave him a drink. He never actually TOLD me what cup he wanted so I gave him the one on the top of the stack in the cupboard. The whining continued and he was shouting and carrying on that he wanted the blue cup and I had given him the yellow. For the record, yellow is his favourite colour and he ALWAYS asks for yellow. So I sent him to his room and took away his buddies (the three stuffed toys who are his whole world and only true love). I told him to stay in there until I called him for dinner. I heard him about half an hour later calling to me from the bathroom. I told him I wasn't talking to him right them but that he could tell me at dinner. Fourty-five minutes from the time I sent him to his room, I called him for dinner. He met me in the hallway and said, "Mummy, I'm really, really sorry for talking so rude and having so much attitude." Well, what could I do? I melted, of course! I gave him a hug and said 'Thanks'. Shaun was happy and clapped his hands. "Now I can have Ted back!" he exclaimed.
Aha! That's why he apologized. Not because he was sorry and had learnt his lesson, but because he was manipulating me to get his buddies back. "Absolutely not," I told him. And then it was like he was a different little boy. His heartfelt apology was completely forgotten and he was back to whining and complaining about his cup, his fork being on the wrong side of his plate, the chicken being cut too big, the asparagus being yucky, the cucumbers being too cold, Ian being too loud and the house being too hot. On and on and on it went. And that was just at dinner. It had started when I picked him up at my Mum's this morning and continued until I sent him to bed.
I still read him a story because I believe it's really important to go to bed without being angry with one another but I'm not going to lie; it was really hard to watch him listening to story as if the whole day had just been dandy. He was fine until the last page when he started carrying on that he can't sleep without Ted and the rest of his buddies. He was crying that he apologized and I STILL didn't give them to him. My point was that while I appreciated the apology, he still needs to know that he can't speak to me like that and his consequence is losing his buddies. And if the attitude continues, he will lose them for longer than just a night as well as other priviliges like playing at his friend's house or riding his bike. He didn't seem to like those consequences too much. Hopefully I won't have to use them.
Was I too hard on him after he apologzed? I'd like to think NO because of the way he flipped when I told him he couldn't have Ted back. He was completely playing me and was angry when I called his bluff. But part of me thinks: he's only 3 1/2. An apology at this age is a big thing, especially if it's in his own words. And it really did seem heartfelt. He even *almost* cried.
I can't keep second guessing myself on stuff like this because I think that's where all these problems stemmed from in the first place. I'd say NO to something and he'd push and push and I'd decide it really wasn't worth the battle and give in. It started with little things like him using extra pillows on the couch or having one extra thing for snack in the morning. But I think that each time I let him get away with something like that after his persistent asking and complaining, I taught him that he just has to ask and whine enough and he'll get anything. And when I actually mean NO when I say NO he doesn't know when to quit whining about it because he thinks I'll eventually change my mind.
Well, today was a changing day in my life. I am going back to basics with Shaun. He will earn his priviliges and my word is the final word. No arguing, whining, or complaining about it or there will be consequences. Hopefully I'll have something more positive to post about the new techniques very soon.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Busy Monkeys
I'm so excited to get all this up and running! The curriculum plans are coming together and I'm working on designing a menu that includes hot, homecooked meals for lunch and wholesome snacks. Each week's activities support a theme (Summer, Birds, I'm Special) and the art, crafts, dramatic play, science, and sensory activities all follow the theme.
When I was in college we were taught about different educational philosophies. I always thought I really liked the Montessori approach but now that I have children of my own I realize that Montessori is quite regimented and doesn't really flow with my style of parenting. Busy Monkeys loosly follows several different philosophies including Montessori but also Reggio, Waldorf (similar to Montessori) and emergent curriculum.
Okay this wasn't meant to drone on and on about philosophy because it really can be boring. I just wanted to give some excuses why the posts have been so lacking for nearly 2 weeks.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Ever heard of the word 'fandangle'? It means to use trickery to get what you want. In the sense of, "I had to fandangle my way through that speeding ticket." I found out today it's actually 'finagle'. Not only was I spelling it incorrectly, I was saying it completely wrong too! How embarassing! I just knocked myself down a notch.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Medieval Times
This week is shaping up to be a really busy one. Now that I have my own vehicle during the day a whole new world has opened up to me! There's some work that needs to be done on the van so I'll be heading out one afternoon to do that but the boys need spring and summer clothes and I'd like to visit Poppy and Nana one afternoon this week since they've been away on a cruise since Wednesday. We'll shuffle through the obligatory photos but I'm most looking forward to hearing if they got sick on the boat. I've always wanted to go on a cruise but I'm petrified of getting motion sickness. Everyone I speak to tells me you hardly feel the motion but they aren't people who already get sick on car rides and can't handle a twirly ride at the fair. Maybe we can add a cruise to our list of vacations!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Twin City Fine Cars
Craig called Twin City yesterday morning and asked if the car was ready. They said no but can you come get it on Thursday? Craig explained that Thursday didn't really work for us, so how about Friday? Nope, Friday doesn't work for Twin City, Craig MUST pick it up on Thursday. Fine. Oh, by the way, come in to Twin City right now and bring us the balance of the money. Craig says okay. Craig tells me he's heading there to give them the money, I say, "no freaking way until we have the keys and ownership in our hands". Craig calls them back, they say he has to get the car before 10AM on Thursday. (Kinda makes me wonder if there was a big drug deal scheduled for today because they sure were adamant that the car be gone TODAY.)
Moving on...
We re-jig our whole routine this morning so Craig can get to Twin City by 10AM. He arrives at 9:45. Closed. Son, father and mother meander to the lot around 10:05. Sorry, the car isn't here, it's in the next city at our mechanic. Come back after 11:30 and it will be ready. Craig tells them he'll call when he gets home at 11:30 and make arrangements to get the car.
Craig makes the rounds picking Shaun and I up from Shaun's preschool and we drive to Twin City. Time we pull into the lot: 11:36. Car's there. Hallelujah! Craig wants to take it for a drive before handing over the cash. Father drives, son sits in passenger seat, Craig takes back seat. WTF? They return and Craig announces the deal's done. He hands over the money and our insurance information. Mother gets in her car with an armful of paperwork and leaves the lot. (I'd love to say she squealed her tires but...) Craig comes to tell me mother has gone to licensing bureau to get the plates and will return in 10 minutes. We wait, and wait, I nurse Ian in the van, we wait some more, Shaun's starving because it is now 12:09 so I run to McPukes for some dead fries and circular pieces of 'chicken', I return from McPukes, eat my lunch in the van, Shaun spills chocolate milk in the van, Ian poops in his diaper so I change him in the van, mother pulls in. Time now: 12:39.
Time we've been on the lot: 1 hour 3 minutes
Time since we were told we HAD to pick up the car: 2 hours 39 minutes
Moving on...
We leave the lot. Drive home. Craig chokes down his cold McPuke, gulps his watery sugar, and leaves for work.
Phone rings. Time: 1:29. Craig left for work 13 minutes ago. It's a payphone. It's Craig. He was pulling off the highway and lost his front brakes. He's using the E brake but has called work and told them he will not be coming in on time today (ya think?!) so he's heading to Twin City right now. Please be careful and call me as soon as you get there. I call Twin City. Phone rings 6 times, yes, I counted. No I don't want to leave a message so I hang up and call again. First ring it's picked up. Now that's more like it! Craig's on his way in. He has no front brakes. You're kidding?! I wish I was.
Phone rings. Time: 1:52. Craig arrived safely. The bolt that holds the caliper on the disc has snapped. They will replace it and send Craig on his way. I mention that son is not a mechanic. Craig has them bring him, with the car, to the next city to their mechanic to have the whole thing taken care of. He heads to work, I bring the boys to the park.
What did we get from Twin City other than the car and a big fat pain in my ass? A free car detailing.