Tuesday, February 15, 2005

First Visit With Dr. Raby

Yesterday Daddy and I went to see Dr. Raby for the first time. She's going to be (hopefully) the doctor who delivers you. She asked me a whole bunch of questions; they were the same ones Dr. Hawthorne asked. It turns out all of the blood work came back normal and my blood type is O+. That's good because a negative could mean a Rhesus problem. I got weighed and even in my bulky sweater I was only 151. Right where I was expecting to be. Pretty good considering what the last two weekends have been like. Dr. Raby tried to listen to your heartbeat but you're still hiding behind my pelvis so there was nothing. She scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks from yesterday. Hopefully we can hear you by then and I might even be feeling you move too. She also said that the office would book an 18 week ultrasound so we'll finally get to see your picture! Everything is happening so quickly. The first trimester is over already!

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