Sunday, September 18, 2005

On Becoming Babywise

I've been reading On Becoming Babywise for the last few days; learning how to get Shaun (and me) on a schedule. It's a great book. All the questions I've had about: how long to let him cry, what to do if he wakes early for a feeding, how long to have him feed from each breast; they've all been answered in this book. It's reassured me that what I'm doing is okay.
These are the times he eats: 9AM, 12PM, 3PM, 6PM, 9PM
All of these feedings follow the eat-play-sleep routine. Shaun will spend about 15 minutes eating and then about an hour of wake time. Then I put him down for a nap. Ninety percent of the time he doesn't even cry when I put him down.
The remaining 2 feedings are: 12 AM and about 4:30AM, depending on when he wakes up. For these feedings he doesn't get any wake time; I put him right back into bed once he's finished eating. The schedule seems to be falling into place rather easily. The next thing to do will happen in the next few weeks. I'll try to drop the 4:30AM feeding. Babywise says most babies drop the feeding on their own. Those that don't sometimes wake during the feeding time and cry for a short time. They put themselves to sleep in the end. I'll end up reading that section about dropping a feeding a million times, I'm sure.
We're going to Sheri and Pete's for a family dinner tonight. It'll be great to see everyone!

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