Sunday, February 5, 2006

5 Months Old

Our little man is growing up. He's 5 months old. I have the itch for another baby - bad. I'd love to start trying now but then I'd be pregnant through the summer again. Yuck. Our plan is to start trying in the early summer, that way it will be a spring baby - April or May... assuming it will take is 3 months to get pregnant. People were right when they said once you start having kids you can't stop until you're done. Oh, I hope Craig decides he wants 3!
This week Shaun has learned to sit up (but not completely unassisted yet) and to almost roll over from back to tummy. He's a pro at rolling onto his side and just needs to shift his shoulder a bit to make it all the way... soon! He's also started to babble. He goes on and on with da-da-da-da. I'm trying to teach him ma-ma but he's not biting. He'll try and all that will come out is oooo or da-da. What a stinker!
So we ended up going to my parents about 2 weeks ago and leaving Shaun there. It was such a nice break but man-o-man we missed him so much! We'll be going back next weekend to celebrate a joint anniversary with Tara/Wes and Steve/Tamrah. All I know it that Mum is making guacamole. I've never had it but I'm looking forward to trying it.
Well it's 11:30, time for Shaun to eat.

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