Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pregnant Again?

I'm POSITIVE I'm pregnant again... I think it happened exactly 2 weeks ago today. I don't have any symptoms except that I've been feeling crampy for about 5 days and it's like I have a bubble sitting where my uterus is. I certainly feel it when I'm sitting or bending over.

I walked to Walmart with Shaun yesterday and bought 2 tests. Of course, it came out negative; I knew it would, it's too early. I'll take another one on Saturday.

And another reason why I think I'm pregnant, when we had sex 2 weeks ago I was ovulating (I know by the way I was feeling). My cycle, I'm guessing, is around35 days (that's what it was before Shaun) and it would have been day 17 that Tuesday. This Saturday will be day 35.

But it's almost not even worth testing because I KNOW I am!

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