Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Chatterbox

Oh my goodness, Shaun's talking so much! He has so many words I think I've lost count. For a long time he would do a lot of mimicking or he'd only say words when we prompted him. Now, if he sees something that he knows the name of, he says it. It's so incredible to hear him learn so fast!

Okay, let me think for a moment. He knows the sounds for: lion, aligator, cat, dog, snake, duck. And we're trying to teach him bird, mouse, cow and monkey (that one's Craig's idea).

But words that he says without prompting:
baby (bebe)
Ted (nah)
shoe (soo-ee)
sock (saah)
light (it-eh)
more (me)
banana (nana)
duck (cack)
cat (he meows)
dog (he woofs)
story (so-we)
bath (bah)
done (nah)

Oh man, I'm sure there's more. I didn't even have to think about that list. Vacuum is another (cum). He and I were stopped at traffic lights the other day and there was a lady on the sidewalk walking with a dog and a baby in a stroller. Not only did Shaun woof for the dog but he said baby too! How did he know?? I remember how surprised I was to see the 14 month old in Walmart when Shaun was 2 months say baby. Now that kid is Shaun! YAY!

I've been diligently charting my BBT and it appears that 3 days ago I ovulated. That's why I started charting: to see if I was ovulating. And it appears that I am. Soo, maybe this is our month? It HAS to happen eventually right?

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