I'm still on this cloud of disbelief that I'm pregnant again. We tried for so long (14 months) and it finally happened. The best part is that it's looking like this baby is going to stick around! I knew that the chance of me miscarrying again was no greater this time but I'm feeling much more vulnerable just because it happened. I keep forgetting to take belly photos too. I need to get on top of that immediately. It's just so cool to look back at those photos of Shaun; I need to have them for this baby too.
I was feeling very anxious on Friday because I'm not feeling pregnant like I thought I should be. So I took a test and it showed up as a bright pink positive right away! I was so relieved but I'm still cautious. This morning was actually the very first morning that I felt a tiny bit of morning sickness, and that was so nice. Honestly. I've already dug through the maternity clothes and worn a couple of outfits. I haven't gained any weight - and don't plan to for the first trimester - but the before and after stuff fits so great and is so comfortable. And hey, I have an excuse now: I'm growing a baby!
I made it to the doctor last Wednesday. Dr. McKinnon couldn't do an exam because he had hurt his back but I got a blood test and an ultrasound. The u/s is a week from today so I'll be 6 1/2 weeks, hopefully far enough to see the heartbeat well. But Dr. McKinnon dated me last Wednesday as being 6 1/2 weeks. It'll be interesting to see at the u/s who's right. hehe!
So I bought a shirt for Shaun today and decorated it with "I'm Going To Be A Big Brother!" I think we'll put it on Shaun when we tell both families. I think because we're waiting to share the news, I'm super excited. This is so much more suspensful and enjoyable than simply making a phone call.
So guess what? Shaun's almost potty trained! I can hardly believe it myself! He stands on a stool at the big toilet to pee and does it every time (no accidents). I don't even know what it was that finally got him to pee but it's like Shaun just decided one day that he was done with diapers. He still wears them at naptime and, of course, at night but will go all day and stay dry. We just need to keep on top of him and take him to the bathroom. He's told us a couple of times that he needs to pee but 90% of the time it's us that initiate the trip. He gets 5 Smarties for peeing and has gummie treats for when he poos. He still hasn't poo'd in the potty but has sat on it twice, right after a poo, and we gave him the gummies just to reinforce the poo idea. He actually poo'd in the garden today! I just had to laugh so hard. Poor guy was so surprised to see poo coming out his butt.
Hmm, what else has he been up to? Well, he walks down stairs standing up now, and can even do it without holding onto anything. That's pretty neat. His speech is equivalent to that of probably a 3 year old. The only sounds he struggles with are "th" and "v" and words like snack and snake he drops the "s". I hope they sort themselves out on their own, because I don't know how OHIP or Craig's insurance would work for speech therapy.
I still can't believe I'm pregnant. Eek!!
I was feeling very anxious on Friday because I'm not feeling pregnant like I thought I should be. So I took a test and it showed up as a bright pink positive right away! I was so relieved but I'm still cautious. This morning was actually the very first morning that I felt a tiny bit of morning sickness, and that was so nice. Honestly. I've already dug through the maternity clothes and worn a couple of outfits. I haven't gained any weight - and don't plan to for the first trimester - but the before and after stuff fits so great and is so comfortable. And hey, I have an excuse now: I'm growing a baby!
I made it to the doctor last Wednesday. Dr. McKinnon couldn't do an exam because he had hurt his back but I got a blood test and an ultrasound. The u/s is a week from today so I'll be 6 1/2 weeks, hopefully far enough to see the heartbeat well. But Dr. McKinnon dated me last Wednesday as being 6 1/2 weeks. It'll be interesting to see at the u/s who's right. hehe!
So I bought a shirt for Shaun today and decorated it with "I'm Going To Be A Big Brother!" I think we'll put it on Shaun when we tell both families. I think because we're waiting to share the news, I'm super excited. This is so much more suspensful and enjoyable than simply making a phone call.
Hmm, what else has he been up to? Well, he walks down stairs standing up now, and can even do it without holding onto anything. That's pretty neat. His speech is equivalent to that of probably a 3 year old. The only sounds he struggles with are "th" and "v" and words like snack and snake he drops the "s". I hope they sort themselves out on their own, because I don't know how OHIP or Craig's insurance would work for speech therapy.
I still can't believe I'm pregnant. Eek!!
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