Tuesday, April 15, 2008

24 Weeks

There's something about this magical number that makes me sigh with relief. In all reality, I could be days away from reaching the 24 week mark of this pregnancy or I could have reached it last week some time. Whatever it is, going by my original due date of August 5, I'm at 24 weeks today. I know that the chance of a baby being born at 24 weeks and surviving without any complications is still less than favourable - 20-25% I've read - but that's still really good odds! Top that off with the slim chance that I'll actually be delivering this baby within the next few days or weeks and I can admit that I feel really great that we'll be bringing home a new human in only 4 months time.

I can't help but continue to worry that this pregnancy is well. It's funny because I feel the baby moving inside me all the time, a reminder that it's happy and healthy; I had a great ultrasound a few weeks back; I continue to measure on-target for growth and weight gain; so why do I continue to worry? I have to admit that most of the worry I've created on my own but with the amount of sad stories on internet blogs and my own experiences with miscarriage I know that a baby is never a for sure thing - even once they're born there's still so many things that can happen to have them taken away. I actually didn't mean for this to be a somber blog entry. I more wanted to celebrate that I'm at 24 weeks! So I'll end here before I dig this hole any deeper.

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