Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Little Trouble Maker

First of all, I don't want the title of this blog entry to mislead anyone reading it into thinking that Shaun is a trouble maker. He's actually the best behaved child we know (mind you, I'm quite biased) and has never gotten into any really big trouble. Other children we know have been known to spread poo from their diaper on walls in the bedroom, empty dresser drawers completely, dump bags of cat food, all sorts of terrible stuff that Shaun wouldn't even dream of doing. But I think our streak of abnormally good toddler behaviour ended this morning.

I made the big mistake of putting Shaun to bed last night at 7:50. His normal bedtime is between 8 and 8:30, depending on what we've been doing that day and how long his afternoon nap was. And he wakes up around 7:30 in the morning. Well, since he went to bed so early last night, he woke up early this morning: at 6:10; long before I was ready to get up. I sent him back to his room and told him to wait until my alarm went off at 7:30. Now normally he goes back to his room and more often than not will fall back to sleep. Not this morning. I vaguely remember hearing him in the bathroom pushing his stool around and using the toilet. After that I remember nothing until my alarm went off at 7:30. I was listening to the news and could hear him coming up the stairs. Immediately I was alert and he came into my room holding a bottle of Windex. Oops, I remembered I left it at the top of the stairs as a reminder to myself to clean the bathroom mirror before leaving for camping on Friday. I asked him what he was doing with it and Shaun told me he was washing the walls in the living room because they were really dirty. I shot out of bed in a panic because I don't know what Windex does to walls! And how long had it been there? He'd been awake since 6:10 afterall! When I got to the main floor everything that he's seen me use Windex on had been Windexed. Thankfully not the walls but the TV, the foyer sliding mirrored doors, the patio doors, the oven door, even the front of the microwave. And in the process he tells me he also Windexed his pajamas because they were dirty too! There were little blue drips of Windex all over the carpet and kitchen floor. At least it doesn't stain (thank-you Johnson and Johnson!) but I spent about 10 minutes wiping it all up.

On a brighter note, everything that needed to be Windexed on the main level is done and now I'll make sure to remember to put away everything and write a note as a reminder instead!

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