Saturday, July 12, 2008

36 Weeks, Nearly There

Craig asked me this morning if I'm feeling like this baby may come earlier than its due date. Being still 4 weeks away from that due date, I can honestly say I don't know. The pressure that I remember from the end of my pregnancy with Shaun hasn't appeared yet but I've read that often second babies don't actually completely engage in the pelvis until labor begins. Shaun wasn't even completely engaged when I went in to be induced at 41+1 weeks. I have noticed that the baby has dropped a little in the last week: it's easier to breathe, I'm able to eat a little more before feeling stuffed-full, and I'm peeing like I'm back in the first trimester. It's actually quite annoying; the whole pee thing. As if sleeping isn't difficult enough with the heat and humidity of a southern Ontario summer, I have to get up to pee at least twice a night. And if I happen to wake while I'm stirring I can't get back to sleep until I pee. I'd be okay with getting up to pee if it was a decent pee but it's trickles. Truly annoying.

At my midwife appointment earlier this week we talked a little bit about ways to prepare my body for labor in hope that I don't go overdue. I certainly will not medically induce this time unless it's necessary for me or the baby but I'm not opposed to natural ways to get my body ready. Pooja mentioned evening primrose oil - which I'm familiar with, and red raspberry leaf tea - which can be more effective but I have to drink about 6 cups a day. :O I've done research on both of them and Pooja recommended I choose only one since this is my second baby, so I'm going to start on the EPO early this coming week. Hopefully it will remind my body that labor and delivery are approaching soon and to start to 'prepare the path' as it were. We'll see it if ends up doing anything. I've opted out of any internal checks before I'm in labor because I don't feel they're necessary so I won't know if the EPO does anything, but it can't hurt to try.

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