Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Boob Juice

"Hey Boogie, what are you doing?"

"I'm giving my baby some Boob Juice." He had his Ted pressed up against his bare little chest.

"Oh. Don't forget to burp your baby so he doesn't get a sore tummy, okay?"

Shaun gently lifts Ted off his chest and raises the other half of his shirt. He holds his nipple and places Ted on. "There you go. Is that good? I have to give him some milk from the other side first Mum."

"Alright." I turn my attention to the infant at my breast: quietly sucking but intently watching and listening to my conversation. "Your brother is nursing Ted, just like I'm nursing you. Isn't that strange?"

He smiles and milk dribbles out his mouth and onto my arm.

There's rustling from Shaun's bed. Ted is finished and Shaun is holding him up now, patting his back. "Know what I have to do now Mum? I need to pump."

"Really? What's that for?"

He's reaching out into the dimly lit room. He grabs nothing and cups his hand up to his chest. "I have to get all the extra milk out so my boobs don't get sore. And then it goes in the fridge for extra." His hand is opening and closing like he's operating the pump. "And I need to tell my body that I need more milk because my baby is growing too fast."

"That's a great idea. How does your body know you need more milk?"

"Because I say, 'Body, I need more milk' and it just makes it. My body is pretty smart you know Mum."

"Will you put the extra on your cereal in the morning since we're out of cow milk?"

"No Mum, that's gross. I'm going to drink your milk that's from beans on my cereal tomorrow. People milk is only for babies." He places his thumb in his mouth, pulls Ted close and snuggles down under his covers. "Maybe I'll have a bagel instead."

"Okay. See you at breakfast time Boogie. I Love You."

1 comment:

Isaac said...

That is hilarious, Michelle!!!
Only you would have a son so articulate and well informed... way to go!!!