Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Sick

We all went Hallowe'en Day to get our H1N1 flu shots since I'm considered high risk as are the boys. Craig tagged along to help with the boys and they vaccinated him, too. So now it's been 10 days, I'm considered immune as is Craig; the boys still need their second doses in a week and a half or so.

Now I'm starting to feel flu-like symptoms. I've had this heaviness in my chest since yesterday morning and today it's moved upwards and is making me feel like I need to cough even though I can't loosen anything in there. I've been keeping a close eye on my temperature and so far it's completely normal. My midwife told me at my last visit that if I were to come down with flu-like symptoms to head to the hospital right away and get admitted so I could be started on a course of antibiotics. I guess H1N1 in pregnant women is that serious. Scary stuff! I'm certainly not willing to call this flu just yet but it stinks that the weekend is approaching and it's looking like I'll be spending it trying to nurse my body back to healthy and staying away from my family. Darn cold season!


Ashley said...

Why would they give antibiotics to someone suffering from a virus?

Michelle said...

Sorry, I meant antivirals. Apparently the hospital is asking that any pregnant women who are experience flu-like symptoms (whether they've had the vaccine or not)to admit themselves so they can get a course of antivirals my IV. I certainly don't want to sit in the hospital for the next 24-48 hours so I'm waiting to see if a fever develops before deciding to go or not.