Friday, August 6, 2010

Can I Get a "Yes, Please!"

It started as a financial thing, this whole makin' of the baby food, and has morphed into something much more fulfilling and satisfying.

The only thing Shaun ever ate as baby food that was out of a jar was some sort of wierd risotto concoction when we were camping the summer he turned 1. He hated it and I never bought a single jarred food after that.

Ian is a bit of a crunchy granola-type kid. He was born at home, has never tasted a jarred baby food, and prefers to walk around wearing nothing all day long. He's quite the sight running down the sidewalk chasing Shaun!

I was worried that I would have trouble finding time to make food for Kyle and I'll be the first to admit that he doesn't have nearly as much variety as the other boys had simply because of the time of year. Shaun and Ian had all kinds of wonderful fall squash and pumpkins, fresh applesauce made from apples we picked together that same day, beets and parsnips pureed together in a pretty pink mash. I finally sucked it up about a month ago and spent a few hours on a Saturday making baby food. Then I went to the library and grabbed First Meals for more of my favourite recipes I used for Ian.

Today Kyle was introduced to fish but not just plain fish. He enjoyed fresh tilapia fillets poached in orange juice with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese, pureed with steamed carrots and sweet potatoes. His expression said, "hell yeah!" so I tasted it and considered forfeiting my BBQ Italian sausage with mashed sweet potatoes and mesclun salad for some of Kyle's lunch; it was THAT good. Kid eats better than me and he doesn't even have any teeth! Well, one. But it's a stump still.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

That sounds so yummy