Monday, September 1, 2008

He's a Stinker!

I've been working tirelessly on trying to get Ian on a schedule for my own peace of mind but also so that we can have a bit of predictablity in our day. He's such a stinker: he's having none of that!

When I try and put him on a 2 1/2 hour routine he decides he only needs to be fed every 3 hours. So the next day I'll switch to a 3 hour routine and then Ian will be starving at only 2 1/2 hours. I fed on demand for the first 2 weeks while I was trying to establish my supply and Ian was still learning the whole booby thing. I'm beginning to wonder if his resistance is more related to his weight than his temperament.

Shaun was born at one week overdue so Ian's adjusted age compared to Shaun is still only 2 weeks. And Shaun was more than 2 pounds heavier at birth than Ian and thus able to go longer between feedings. Maybe I'm being unreasonable in thinking that Ian should be on a flexible schedule but I really need to have some sort of order in my day! I loved being able to know when Shaun would be eating later in the day simply by the time he woke up in the morning - woke up at 9AM, then he'd be eating every 3 hours from then. No exceptions. Shaun thrived on a schedule. Ian - not so much just yet.

I'll give it time. He's still only 3 weeks old. I'm just hoping it doesn't take much longer...

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Michelle - Ian just seems to be a different baby...India was a demand feeder, Eamon was the perfect schedule sleep through the night baby, and Addie, well, she's a 3 hour schedule IF she's not gassy. Ian will figure it out sooner or later - it's still early days yet!