Thursday, September 4, 2008


We have a nickname for Shaun: it's Boogeyman. He knows it so well he'll tell random people in the mall that his 'real name is Shaun but Mummy and Daddy call me Boogeyman'. It's hilarious to hear him speak so adoringly of his nickname. He'll learn soon enough that we call him that not because of the scary 'Boogeyman under the bed' but because his finger is constantly in his nose. Yep, I bred a nose picker. I have pictures of him when he was only a year or so old with his fingers in his nose. Let me try and dig those out of the archives... Okay, so I lied. It's from May of 2007, so he was 20 months old. Anyway, his fingers seem to be magnetically drawn to his nose, even in public, which is SO embarassing! It used to be cute when he was, well, 20 months old but now it's just annoying and disgusting. Anywho, that's how he got his nickname.
I've fallen on a name for Ian too. I never really accepted that it was his nickname until I heard Shaun and Craig call him it this morning. When he was born, since he was so much smaller than Shaun, I started calling him my Pipsqueak. Then, as nursing became more established, we learned that he squeaks when he's nursing really well. And not just any old squeak. It's loud! And annoying! And I love it! And Pipsqueak fits him perfectly: for his size and his squeak. Although I don't know how long I'll be able to think of him as a Pipsqueak. He got weighed this morning: 10 pounds, 2 ounces!!

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