Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Feelin' A Little Down

I think I'm getting ready for my first PPAF because I'm feeling a little 'off' today. I'm hugely emotional and crabby. (Is hugely a word?) But what just set me into uncontrollable tears was thinking about this house. It's not sold yet but that's not what I was sad about. I was sad thinking about SELLING this house. We've outgrown it but I don't wanna leave! We have so many memories here! I was making an album on Facebook of this house and adding captions for all the pictures. I started bawling when I got to the picture of our bedroom. I still can't believe Ian was born there. Every space in this house holds a memory for me. Like I said, I'm just emotional today so even though I'm excited to leave here I'm sooo sad too. :( I need a family member or close friend to buy this place so I can come back and bathe the boys in the tub every now and then and do laundry in the basement.

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