Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bovine Train

Oh my goodness, it was so great. It's been a long time and I almost forgot how wonderful it feels. Smooth. Wet. I was beyond satisfied and it was wonderful. It made me want more. Abstaining for so long was more difficult that I thought it would ever be. I tried other options but nothing substitutes the real thing. I want it every day, twice a day. Or more.

I grit my teeth at the next feeding waiting to see if my last experience would repeat itself. It doesn't and he is fine. Beyond fine actually. He goes through the rest of the day happier than he's been in a long time.

Seems like I can go back to drinking milk. Ian's been fine and I've added back in all the other dairy products that I love so much. Yogurt, cheese, milk, everything. Surprised? What did you think I was talking about?!


Me said...

LOL...you had me at first. I was like "wow...she's REALLY open with what she writes on her blog!" LOL. I'm such a sucker anyways.

Michelle said...

Bwaa haa haa! I knew I'd have someone along for the ride. That's so funny Lacia!