Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"Hmmm, batteries. I wonder what box they should go in." I struggled to determine a label for yet another odd thing that I found laying around the house. Things like self-adhesive velcro, a foot bath, a ceramic cookie jar. Where do these things belong? Do I even want to keep them?

I spend so much time thinking about the perfect label for boxes so I can summarize what's inside in one word. One glance and I know what's in there. Bathroom. Wheels. Dress-up. Puzzles. I'm nearing the end and now it's come down to: Ian's Room - soft toys, crib aquarium, extra wipes; Master Closet - memories, Craig's hockey trophies, photos to sort.

We'll eventually out grow this new house and have to move again. But for now I swear we're never moving again. Not ever.

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