Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 Months Old

Good grief, can you believe Ian is nine months old today? I can't.

He has a weigh in with the doctor in just over a week so I'll update his weight more then. He still has only 2 teeth but makes up for his lack of teeth with his superior chewing skills. He can chew anything. Strawberries and chicken are his favourite. I still make and puree baby food for him but he's accepting it less and less. I think that's because he's much happier when he can feed himself. He loves toast and cheerios. Feta cheese has gone over really well as has cottage cheese. He enjoys yogurt and applesauce. Baby cereal is tolerated but only because he knows he gets fingerfoods when the cereal is done. I know that won't last long. And he loves the boob. Oh my, does he love the boob. He had a stint back about a month ago where he was getting really distracted and I feared he was weaning but I persevered and we came through and now he's back to nursing 3-4 times a day. It depends on where his naps fall and if he has a third nap. Most days he does but I'm trying to drop the third nap and just get him to sleep longer in the afternoon.

Ian's not crawling yet. It's funny because he looks like he's going to so often but he never actually gets up on all fours. I don't think he has the upper body strength to crawl yet. The whole world will open up to him once he's crawling. I know that life is easier with an immobile baby but I also know that he'll be much happier when he can chase Shaun around and crawl to reach the ball that rolled away.

This morning Ian danced for the first time. I was getting him dressed and Shaun was playing with the Fridge Farm that plays various tunes. Ian was sitting on his bum and rocking back and forth with a great big grin on his face. When the music stopped, so did he. When I asked him if he was dancing he smiled and babbled. I remember the first time Shaun danced. I was so proud that all the dancing I had been doing with him was finally showing up. Now all the goofy dancing Shaun does is finally showing up in Ian. He's getting so big.

I think Ian Meows too. There's been a few times when the cats have strolled into the kitchen and he's meowed at them. It doesn't happen every time but it's happened enough that I think I can call it confirmed. Shaun's first official word was "Ted", though he said it "Det". I wonder what Ian will say. I had a dream last night that Ian's first word was Boogeyman. Somehow I believe that.

My parents are coming this afternoon to babysit because Craig, Shaun and I are going to Medieval Times for dinner. Ian hasn't seen my parents in a few weeks so we'll see if his stranger anxiety has kicked in yet. I'm torn. He's not nearly as timid as Shaun was at this age but I haven't been out and about as much having 2 kids as I was with only 1. Mum and Dad are going for pizza. Ian will love that!

1 comment:

Me said...

WOW...I can't beleive he's 9 months old already. Isn't it so bittersweet how quickly they grow up.