Monday, March 1, 2010

I Tell Lies

It was pretty clever to use the previous post to comment. Kudos. Thanks for your concern and I'm very sorry to have scared anyone. It really was a low point for me last Friday. I'm on a stint now of 3 better days in a row so I'm hoping this is just the beginning. I'm still learning to let go of things and try my best to not let them bother me. Craig and I had our very first serious conversation on Saturday night about how I was feeling. I didn't lie once and it felt so good to be honest with him. I hadn't wanted him to worry so when he'd ask I'd lie.

I've been checking out some websites in the meantime and reading a lot of personal journeys from women who have dealt with PPD. I'm still in a bit of denial that it's truly PPD mostly because I have no thoughts of harming myself or my children, I don't have intrusive thoughts and I still have good days in between the bad. But something's definitely up with my mood. I'm working on that.


Kate said...

Glad you're feeling a bit better, but you don't need to have the psychosis symptoms to be suffering from PPD. Three kids is a lot for one woman to handle. Hope your DH can provide a little more support so you don't feel like you're in it all alone.

Olivia said...

You've been in my thoughts these past few days. It's tough. Really tough. Hang in there, Try to use the support other provide. This too shall pass.