Thursday, March 18, 2010

It must be nice to sleep in as long as you want in a bed where you didn't have to change or wash any of the sheets, to have coffee already made, to have a mug clean and waiting in the cupboard for you, to be free to leave your dirty mug wherever you please, to watch whatever you want on tv for as long as you want, followed by computer time - again for as long as you want. It must be nice to be called that it's lunch time and to be able to eat hot food instead of having to jump up to clean up a spill, wipe hands and faces, refill sippy cups or answer the phone and then eat cold food later. It must be nice to not have your name called whenever someone is screaming or crying, to shit without someone sticking their fingers under the door, and read whatever you want. It must be nice to be able to leave the house to go to work, have breaks, and other people to talk with who don't just repeat 'dog' over and over, or to come home and leave your coat on the back of the kitchen chair or draped on the banister. It must be nice to watch television uninterrupted, go to bed whenever you want, put in your earplugs, sleep all night long and then wake up whenever you aren't tired enough to sleep anymore.

I'd be livin' the dream. Rinse and repeat.


Unknown said...

Hmmm... although a day or two of that might be heaven, any longer than that and it would get lonely and boring.

Ashley said...

What Crystal said. I lived that for awhile and life is better now.

That said, get out away from your kids for a few hours a week. I go sit at a coffeeshop and read or work on one of my many portable projects. An hour or two is just enough time to remember who I am and come back refreshed and happy to deal with Evie. In other words, get a break.

Olivia said...
