Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Health is for the... Healthy?

We've been busy, to say the least. Ian has been fighting a wicked GI bug the last couple of days. Since 7:30 this morning he's thrown up 4 times and has gone through 10 diapers full of diarrhea. I told Craig, if this keeps up through the night tonight I'll bring him to the hospital tomorrow. I'm terrified he's getting seriously dehydrated because he can't keep anything down and refuses to drink the electrolyte stuff I bought him. Since Sunday morning he's literally had a few crackers and perhaps a sippy cup worth of apple juice mixed 50/50 with water. Poor guy was just getting over his wicked sinus infection combined with a horrible cough and now this. When will everyone here be healthy again???


Kate said...

Hope he's doing beteer now - sounds messy! If you know a recent weight, you can weigh Ian to see how much % body weight he's lost (ie % dehydration). Unless he's getting lethargic, they likely won't do much other than tell you to push pedialyte pops or drinks to try to rehydrate him. If he's easy to rouse, still peeing, not 10-15% down in body weight, he's still doing not-too-bad, I think. But if you're worried, for sure take him in to be assessed and be reassured.

Michelle said...

I knew I could count on you, Kate! I'll check how much he's lost this morning when I get the chance. He's not lethargic at all but has been napping more/longer than usual. I don't really know about the whole peeing thing because his diapers are wet from the diarrhea and since I'm having to change them so frequently it's hard to tell if they're really wet at all; just poopy.

Olivia said...

You poor thing, and poor Ian. I hope no one else gets sick. My kids never drink the kid electrolyte, so we're fans of the fancy gatorade flavors here.