Thursday, July 6, 2006

A Bout of Roseola

Shaun has a mystery rash today. He had it yesterday too. I called Lisa and asked her about the rash Joseph had a few weeks ago and strangely enough the two boys are identical. Shaun had a fever around 101 for 2 days on the weekend first. We just thought the fever was from Shaun being in the hot sun but after a night and another day he still had a low fever. By the time we got home from camping the fever was gone but he was still miserable so we blamed the teething. But yesterday morning when I was changing him I noticed a slight rash on his back. By the time evening rolled around the rash was all over his torse and it was still there today although not as bad. But Shaun's been happy and back to normal; the rash doesn't seem to bother him at all. Lisa said Joseph's lasted around a day and a half. We'll see if Shaun still has it tomorrow and if so, I'll take him to the doctor.

On another note, it's official: Shaun can say 2 words, Ted and uh-oh. He actually said Ted first last week on Wednesday when we were walking upstairs at Xan and Bailey's. Xan was going to bed and I think Shaun thought he was going too because halfway up the stairs he started chattering about Det, Det. I had thought he may be saying Ted but it's for sure now because he says it all the time. Uh-oh came on Friday last week in the morning before leaving for camping. Whenever Shaun drops stuff I'll say uh-oh and last Friday he copied me. But the funniest is how he says it: uh............oh, with a huge space between each word.

I have to write a few insignificant things because I'm sure Shaun will stop doing them soon but mostly because I know I will forget. We have a piece of wood between the living room carpet and the laminate floor in the kitchen. When Shaun's approaching it he'll put his bim way up in the air and crawl using his feet instead of his knees. The bump must hurt his knees!

Another thing that's completely hilarious is how Shaun interacts with the cats, especially Pokey. Pokey's such a nut she'll just lay on the carpet and let Shaun molest her; poking her and pulling her hair. There's been a couple of times that he's pulled her hair so hard she's actually been lifted off the floor.

Oh, something else that's official, Shaun likes cat food! Yesterday he got into the container that we keep the cat food in and by the time I got to him he had 1 or 2 pieces in his mouth and a whole hand full waiting. Shaun was so angry at me when I took the food away too! He must have enjoyed it. Crazy monster...

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