Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Stair Climber

Shaun learned to do so much last week! On Thursday Craig taught Shaun to go up stairs. Once he figured out he could do that Shaun's been pulling up to stand at everything. He had been so close for so long - pulling himself to his knees and sometimes balancing there for a whole minute - that I'm not surprised at all that he's caught on so quickly. There's been a bunch of times that he's let go of whatever has been supporting him while he's standing and has remained standing for 6 or 7 seconds. He was so proud of himself when he stood for the first time. And the last couple of days he's been cruising the furniture. First it was only a step or two, almost by accident, but now he actually thinks about it. You can tell he cruises deliberately. He'll hold on to the couch too and then turn his body to grab the coffee table. He's learned so quickly.
On a completely different topic I'm finding it really hard to keep up with all the housework lately. I've been so tired. Craig and I had a minor spat yesterday about it. I'm really going to have to be diligent at keeping up on it. His concern was the vacuuming now that Shaun's crawling. Craig's worried about the amount of cat hair Shaun's been picking up on his hands. I can understand that!
So on another topic, I've been feeling pregnancy symptoms again! *sigh* This is getting old real fast. I've been really tired and crampy for just over a week. I don't want to get all excited again so I haven't said a thing to Craig about how I've been feeling. I think there's been enough false alarms lately that he won't get excited until there's a positive pregnancy test. I actually took one a few days ago but it was one that had been out of the package for a month and the line that was supposed to appear in the control window never appeared. So I won't even know if the negative that appeared (or didn't, depending on how you look at it) was accurate or not. It probably was. I only say that because I'm pretty sure it was too early for a test. A few more days to wait!
The nauseousness comes and goes in waves. Ripe bananas make me feel the worst. Blech!!

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