Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chatty Boy

Ian's been saying a few words lately. He started using 'uh-oh' a few weeks ago. He'd drop something off the highchair tray or hear something crash in the kitchen or something and shout out 'uh-oh'. When we were together with Craig's family for Father's Day, Ian spilled a can of pop on the picnic table while he was sitting up there and right away said, "uh-oh". He got a good laugh from everyone.

He's been saying 'ma' a lot too. I didn't really think it meant anything except that he was basically calling to me. 'Ma', give me more food. 'Ma', I like that game, do it again. Then we were out for dinner last night and family rules state that you have to eat your meat and veggies before digging into the fries. Ian ate some of his meat and veggies so Craig gave him one french fry with the intention of getting Ian to eat more meat after. Well Ian started shouting, "Ma, ma, ma," over and over when Craig wouldn't give him another french fry and instead tried to get Ian to eat another piece of chicken. I finally figured out that he's telling us that he wants More. All this time I thought he was calling to me when really he was doing exactly what I've been teaching him to do: that is tell me he wants More.

Then this morning Craig let me sleep in and I guess Ian was getting into some trouble with the fireplace tools; touching them and what-not. I vaguely remember hearing Craig telling Ian, "No," and hearing Ian squawk a little at the scolding. Craig told me later when I finally crawled out of bed that Ian clearly shouted, "No," back to Craig. Ian told him off!! Shaun's reaction was to say, "I can't believe it." Shaun knows the Big Trouble that comes from being saucy to Craig or I so he couldn't believe Ian was daring enough to give Craig lip. We had a good chuckle over the past week's verbal events while drinking coffee together this morning.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Thanks Michelle! Hope you and all your boys have a great time camping. I'll be chilling out and reading, watching videos, and packing for our 9 day trip to Europe. I wish it were longer, but I'll take a shorter trip and finally being pg any day!