Wednesday, December 16, 2009

38ish Weeks

I had another midwife appointment yesterday morning. I asked for an internal check because apparently they don't do them until you're in labour unless you specifically ask for one. So Nicole (my back-up midwife and the gal who did the appointment) was easily able to feel the baby's head and the bag of fluid. She said my cervix is really soft but only 25% effaced so feels quite confident that once baby moves deeper into my pelvis I'll dilate quickly. Yesterday I was 2cm dilated - HORRAY! - and she was able to stretch me to 3cm and stripped my membranes as well. I had some mild cramping all afternoon yesterday that petered off in the evening and some brown spotting all day, too. So far, no labour though, which I'm kind of happy about because I'd rather not have a baby before Christmas. I mean, whatever, I can't control when he comes, but life is easier with baby #3 still baking inside. Can I change my due date to April?

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