Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baby Update

Unfortunately, there's nothing to update. I'm still pregnant. Thirty-nine weeks tomorrow in fact.

This past Monday I had a quick visit with my midwife who did another internal. She seemed to think I was in early labour that day which I know from experience doesn't mean a thing, but she told me I was an easy 4cm and my cervix was super soft and stretchy. There's been more mucus plug bits over the past couple of days and last night I was getting some pretty good contractions but they petered out after a few hours. The baby is still quite active so I'm not at all worried about how he's coping in there. Obviously he's quite happy! I just need to get through the next 4 days or so and then I'll be more than happy to meet him. We have a couple family things going on over the next 2 days, my parents are taking the boys for a few days starting on Saturday and I'm doing the drop-off while visiting my newest nephew, and I'd love to actually get some serious shopping done on Boxing Day and the following day without any children in tow. To top it all off, my best friend Melissa wants to be at the birth and she's a 2 hour drive away visiting her own parents until likely Sunday morning. Stay inside for 4 more days baby!!

Craig's back to work on Sunday providing there's no baby and I already told him if the baby arrives in the meantime, I'm tempted to keep the boys at my parents' house for a day or 2 longer, have Craig return to work for his short week and then start his 2 weeks of holidays in January. Otherwise he'll have to take time off without pay which wouldn't be tragic but, obviously, I'd rather he use vacation time!

I've been trying my very best to keep up with the housework and the laundry so that I'm not overwhelmed when people want to stop by and meet the newest family member, but also so that the cleaning lady my mum hired for me for after the birth isn't shocked at the disgusting state of the house.

Yeah, how awesome is that? For a baby gift, my parent's will pay for a housecleaner to come bi-weekly for 4 months. I struggled at first with the idea of someone coming in and cleaning MY house but gradually realized I should accept any help that's being offered. Of course I'll still need to vacuum in between visits and do minor spot cleaning but knowing the bathrooms are clean is the biggest concern for me. With Shaun constantly dribbling on the toilet rim and the bathtub being used so frequently for showers and baths, it's difficult to keep everything even presentable all of the time. Maybe having someone come in will give me more time to keep up with the laundry, too. Oh joy!

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