Sunday, December 20, 2009

Six Times Over

I became an aunt again this morning for the sixth time. I don't have any photos yet but Samuel Jambor (no middle name yet) was born this morning to my little brother Steve and his wife Tamrah. He's just a puny little thing at 7 lbs 14 oz (oh, what I would give to have a 7 pound baby!) but Tamrah's quite petite so I can't say I'm all that surprised. Jealous yes, but not surprised. :) Tamrah laboured most of yesterday afternoon and all night with little progress so when her doctor offered her a cesarean section this morning she quickly agreed and Samuel arrived shortly after 8AM. I'm hoping to visit the new family next weekend and will post pictures then. Maybe I'll have news of my own little arrival by then, too!

Ten days to my due date and I've instructed the baby to stay in there for at least another 6 days since Melissa is heading out of town and won't return until Saturday. I can't have my last baby without my best girlfriend by my side.

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