Ian loves Shaun. It's so incredible to watch their relationship grow and develop more every day. Everything that Shaun does, Ian wants to do, too. Even if it means Ian needs help to do it, like sitting on the couch to read a book, or load and fire the Nerf. Shaun, for the most part, obliges and in fact really seems to enjoy having his little brother tagging along and being glued to his every word. Sometimes it turns into Shaun yelling that Ian won't leave him alone but most of the time they play very nicely together and Shaun helps Ian as much as he can. It'll be a lot of fun watching how the dynamic of our family changes with a third child in the mix.
Already I'm wondering how we're going to manage in a restaurant with 3 children who all need help cutting their food at the same time or how I'll get everyone dressed and out the door in time for a doctor's appointment. It's going to be an insane winter!
Have you asked about house calls? :-)
That is so adorable.
Crystal, my midwife will come to the house the first week after the birth but after that, I'm on my own. I'm hoping I can get any appointments on Fridays since Craig's off. Otherwise I'll be known as the crazy lady who drags her kids everywhere! LOL
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