Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello? Hello?? Are you there? Hello??

Craig clipped our phone line. By mistake. The main line coming into the house. Dammit.



Kate said...

Hope he can fix it!

Me said...

Michelle, just reading your most recent post but I can't comment on it for some reason so I'm commenting on here. What you are going through is most likely post-partum depression, please go talk to your doc....they can help. 3 kids is tough, but it does get easier. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to be a super mom. It's ok if the house isn't cleaned, or the the other 2 boys sit in front of the tv instead of you being actively playing with them. You need to re-charge and just have a little "you" time, even if it's "you" time while watching the boys. You can always email me or call me too if you need to vent or talk.