Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'Tis the Season

I moaned and complained through Shaun's and Ian's pregnancies because I was pregnant for the whole summer. I particularly remember the summer Shaun was born as having the hottest June on record. I even blogged about it. I was so excited to finally be pregnant in a different season and have all the cozy little outfits to stick Kyle in. Cold and flu season was briefly considered but I brushed off the thought because I obsessively wash my hands since they're either in dish water all day or rinsing washcloths to wipe sticky hands and faces.

Seems all my handwashing and sanitizing wasn't enough. Kyle's been fighting wicked congestion for weeks and Ian hasn't been himself since, oh, January. Seriously. The screaming he's been doing lately is downright awful and very nearly sent me over the edge this afternoon. All because of a stuffy nose. He looks like death though because he refuses to sleep and once he finally does fall asleep he's awake within an hour, screaming again. No amount of drugs are keeping him even satiated. I'm ready to sell him. Or better yet, stick him on the side of the road and have someone pick him up. I'd even put him out there without shoes. Yeah, someone would be sure to pick him up even quicker if he didn't have shoes on.

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