Thursday, December 30, 2004

Nursery Rhymes

I've been working on the nursery for the last few days. I still catch myself calling it the spare room. It's quite a mess right now - there's stuff strewn all over the floor. I took the doors off the closet and removed the old backwards shelf that was in there. It's been replaced with a wire one that can accomodate hangers.

Daddy (ooh, that looks strange) and I bought a bassinet this morning at Nursery Rhymes. I saw it yesterday when I went "wish shopping" with Auntie Sheri. The more of that I do, the more I realize I need. Silly thinks like soothers, an ear thermometer and nail clippers. I suppose all that little stuff will come at the shower or we can buy it later.

My nausea has eased up to the point of being hardly noticible but my appetite has increased tremendously. I'm finding I'm practically famished only a few hours after eating. I'm not so much eating larger portions but I'm eating more frequently.

Baby, you're about the size of a raspberry this week according to the August 10 due date I'm guessing. Dr. Hawthorne will tell us more accurately when we can expect you on Tuesday January 4. We've already told so many people you're coming in the middle of August that I hope we weren't too far off!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Spreading the News

So pretty much the whole family knows. The immediate family anyway. We'll tell the rest Christmas Day at Uncle Jim's. Even the kids at daycare know. Some of them are pretty excited! Expecially Nicholas and Gregory, believe it or not!

My breasts are still extremely sensitive. I don't even want to move because they hurt. They're a little tingly, too.

The nausea eased up a bit today but it comes and goes. At times my stomach feels hollow and gaunt and then 5 minutes or so later it passes and I'm fine.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Who Wouldda Thunk!

So I woke up this morning at 7:30 with terrible cramps and memories of a very strange dream. One where I am pregnant and Craig and I are making calls to the family. It's so real I have to convince myself it's just a dream. I use the toilet and return to bed only to awaken again around 10. This time I grab the pregnancy library book and bring it back to bed to read. As I'm reading the many symptoms of pregnancy I'm realizing I have all of them: extreme fatigue (I've been sleeping after work from sheer exhaustion), tender breasts (Craig can't even touch them without me grimacing), feelings of PMS (cramping mostly but has lasted 3 days), frequent urination (even when I drink nothing). So I finally conince myself to take another test. This time it's positive! Craig was still sleeping so I woke him up and showed him the stick. It took him a minute but finally he looked at me and said, "that's good, right?"

So I immediately called Craig's sister Sheri and then we headed to the Urgent Care Clinic to get our baby confirmed. Sure enough, we're pregnant. The doctor thinks the baby is about 5 weeks. When we got home we called everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Journey Begins

Today is the first day that I really truly feel nauseous. There were days last week and the week before that I was feeling yucky but I had assumed that it was just left over gastrointestinal stuff that had been going around work. It's been 3 weeks today since we started trying. I'm on day 31 of my cycle. My cycle seems to be on a 40 day rotation so I think it's too early to take a test. Maybe I should call the Telehealth line...

Later... so I called Telehealth and the nurse advised me to see a doctor within 3 days if the nausea persists.

On my way to work this afternoon I picked up a pregnancy test and took it in the washroom at work. It was negative. The nausea has persisted through the day.